ANC Member Responds On Nkandla and Media Reports

[[NHLAKANIPHO AFRIKANER WROTE]] When ANC fails than u use Racism to protect the ANC. Dont you guys don't get tired of that. Try something new, that is overrated. The Nkandla Saga has nothing to do with Racism. South Africans just want accountability from all people who were involved in Nkandla. From our President Babu Msholozi down to the constructors.

ANC MEMBER'S REPLY: At no point did the ANC issue a statement blaming the Nkandla saga on racism. Our former President Thabo Mbeki stated this categorically that we have defeated apartheid but what we have not yet dealt with is its legacy.
Nhlakanipho, you are 100% correct that South Africans want accountability and we agree with you totally. I am sure you are aware of everything that has been done before Nkandla thing became media revenue generation tool. The Public Protector issued a statement recognizing co-operation she received from President Zuma during her investigation. President Zuma signed a declaration of the SIU to initiate an investigation into the matter.

You must also recall the day President Zuma was called by the Parliament to answer questions on Nkandla. He answered the first two question. When he got to the third one, the EFF caused chaos and prevented him from answering all question. The session was dismissed as a result. Why does media say Zuma dodged the question and does not want to account.

Madonsela's report made a recommendation that President Zuma must pay back a portion of expenditure on developments. What she did not say in her report is how much. It is common sense that there is no way that she meant all monies spent on Nkandla development must be paid back. Her report does not make that recommendation. 

It is therefore logical that the portion that the President was advised to pay back is the portion deemed as of undue benefit.

But how much is of undue benefit? All monies that were costed excessively on the project. Who is able to determine how much that is? The minister of security is designated to do so in this case which is why he commissioned an investigation to make that determination. 

The DA rejected his findings but failed to advise as to which office had constitutional mandate to determine the figure. Who do you think can determine the figure?

The DA later demanded that ad hoc committee be formed to conduct its own investigation in order to ascertain as to what really transpired and how much was excessive. The committee decides to invite media so that a true impression of what took place could be made public via media. When the DA realizes that the truth was about to come out, it's members of parliament dump the process they has requested and make a big noise.

What many refer to as racism element on Nkandla reports is the fact that media has taken a view that Madonsela's report is not adhered to and its recommendations are not followed by parliament and the President. This ascertain is not true. Its a lie!

Why is media reporting lies instead of educating the public about everything that has taken place in response to Madonsela's report on Nkandla? Why is media reporting on the views of the opposition even when those are incorrect? 

The conclusion is this: Nkandla has given the DA and it's media, a perfect opportunity to fight its battle of trying to unseat President Zuma and defeat the ANC in order to usher in a new order that disregards our past that is characterized by inequality. This is done to protect the interests of white minority that controls wealth and economy of this country. Defeating the ANC will ensure that black majorities do not gain access to economic means to empower themselves.